If you can’t tell by my previous few posts, I think that Japan is one truly fantastic country, and I’ve just barely scraped the tip of the iceberg. There is so much to do there, and once you end up doing one thing you find a totally different crazy other thing within that thing you were doing! Maybe it’s just that I was there a week and I’m still in the “honeymoon” phase of exploring the country, but that week has been a privilege and I’m already planning what I’m going to do upon my return! Okay, I’m beginning to ramble, but to get a sense of how the country is without having to go there yourself, I’ve compiled what I guess you could call a photo album to allow you to see what I saw, and hopefully feel an iota of what I felt whilst vacationing in Japan.
So why is Japan awesome?
And best of all…
…an endless stream of FOOOOOODDDD!!!
If you finish reading (skimming?) this final blog post on my Japan trip and you have even the tiniest inkling of desire to travel to Japan, then my duty as a proud backpack soldier has been done. If not, then I apologize for not working hard enough to convince you, because you’d be truly missing out on a fascinating adventure and enough extraordinary food to put you into a coma you don’t want to wake up from.
But hey, I don’t need to tell you how awesome Japan is. You can see for yourself.
Just go!